Wapres Tinjau Rumah Pemotongan Hewan Bersertifikat Halal Di Wellington

Wapres KH Maruf Amin memberikan keterangan usai meninjau rumah pemotongan Taylor Preston, di Selandia Baru, Kamis (29/2/2024). (Foto: Setwapres)

CERAHKANLA.com  Rakyat Merdeka – Wakil Presiden (Wapres) KH Maruf Amin didampingi Ibu Wury meninjau proses penyembelihan sapi di Taylor Preston Limited, Ngauranga Gorge, Wellington, Selandia Baru, Kamis (29/02/2024). Kunjungan tersebut antara lain untuk memastikan kehalalan daging yang akan diekspor ke Indonesia. 

Salah satu komoditas perdagangan terbesar dari Selandia Baru ke Indonesia adalah daging sapi. Sebagai negara berpenduduk muslim terbesar, Indonesia mensyaratkan sertifikasi halal bagi produk daging sapi dari Selandia Baru. Kehalalan tersebut mencakup kehalalan sejak proses penyembelihan hingga pengemasan

Dalam peninjauan tersebut, Wapres mengenakan pakaian keamanan dan menerima penjelasan terkait proses penyembelihan dari pihak manajemen Taylor Preston Limited. Pemilik Taylor Preston Limited John Preston mendampingi Wapres saat melihat proses pengelolaan daging melalui viewing room (ruang tinjau).

Usai peninjauan, Wapres mengatakan Taylor Preston adalah perusahaan yang salah satu produknya berupa daging sapi di ekspor ke Indonesia. 

“Kami melihat pertama, bahwa (daging) itu memperoleh pengakuan halal dari beberapa lembaga halal di Selandia Baru yang memperoleh endorsement dari sertifikasi halal Indonesia,” kata Wapres. 

Kiai Maruf menjelaskan, dalam proses penyembelihan sapi pertama kali dibuat pingsan dengan menyetrum di area dagu. 

“Informasinya (penyetruman) memang tidak sampai mematikan, hanya memingsankankan saja dan kalau dipotong dalam tempo beberapa menit selesai secara otomatis mekanik cepat sekali,” terangnya.

Wapres menambahkan, proses penjagalan dilakukan setelah sapi berkurang kesadarannya, kemudian disembelih manual oleh penjagal, selayaknya proses sembelih yang sesuai syariat Islam. Selanjutnya, sapi akan dikuliti dan dipotong-potong dengan bantuan mesin.

“Setiap hari 450 sampai 600 ekor sapi diekspor ke Indonesia, hanya sebagian kecil untuk dunia, paling banyak saya tanya diekspor ke China dan Amerika Serikat,” ungkapnya.

Lebih lanjut Wapres menuturkan, dari jumlah tersebut, hanya sebagian kecil yang diekspor ke Indonesia. 

“Ke Indonesia ada dari sini, dari Australia, dan ada juga Brasil. Di sini belum begitu besar, karena yang sebagian besar itu ke China dan AS melayaninya. Tapi cukup besar sekitar 16 persen,” ungkapnya.

Kendati proses halal dalam penyembelihan sapi di Selandia Baru sudah dipastikan, Wapres menegaskan Indonesia tetap berupaya agar pemenuhan komiditas daging dapat dipenuhi dari dalam negeri, tidak semata mengandalkan impor dari negara lain.

“Saya kira kita swasembada lah,” jawab Wapres ketika ditanya tentang apa yang mungkin dapat diduplikasi dari Selandia Baru.

“Kita harapkan ke depan kita kurangi impor daging sapi. Kita kan punya wilayah-wilayah yang cukup besar di Sulawesi, Kalimantan, di NTT (Nusa Tenggara Timur), ada padang-padang rumput yang luas,” pungkasnya.https://frutangjeruk.com/

Usai Dianugerahi Jenderal Bintang 4, Prabowo Syukuran dan Sungkem ke Sukartini Djojohadikusumo

Menhan Prabowo Subianto (kanan) saat menerima penganugerahan jenderal bintang 4 dari Presiden Jokowi di Mabes TNI, Jakarta, Rabu (28/2/2024). (Foto: Instagram @prabowo_subianto)

CERAHKANLA.com  Rakyat Merdeka – Usai dianugerahi jenderal bintang 4 dari Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Menteri Pertahanan Prabowo Subianto menggelar syukuran bersama keluarganya di kediaman Jl Kertanegara 4, Jakarta, Rabu (28/2/2024).

Prabowo dalam kesempatan itu masih memakai pakaian dinas upacara (PDU) angkatan darat lengkap dengan tanda bintang 4 di pundak.

Ia pun memotong tumpeng tanda syukur. Potongan tumpeng tersebut kemudian diberikan kepada sang bibi, yaitu Sukartini Silitonga-Djojohadikusumo, adik dari ayah Prabowo, Soemitro Djojohadikusumo.

Prabowo juga melakukan sungkem kepada Tante Tin (sapaan akrab Prabowo untuk Sukartini) yang diketahui sudah berusia 105 tahun.

Seperti diketahui, Prabowo menerima penganugerahan jenderal bintang 4 dari Jokowi di Mabes TNI, Jakarta, Rabu (28/2/2024).

Jokowi memberikan kenaikan pangkat secara istimewa kepada Prabowo sesuai dengan Keppres Nomor 13/TNI/Tahun 2024 tanggal 21 Februari 2024.

Selaras dengan Keppres tersebut, penganugerahan pangkat istimewa TNI untuk Prabowo ini sesuai dengan UU yang berlaku saat ini, yaitu UU No. 20 tahun 2009.

Dalam UU tersebut terdapat pengaturan soal pengangkatan atau kenaikan pangkat istimewa.

“Penganugerahan ini adalah bentuk penghargaan sekaligus peneguhan untuk berbakti sepenuhnya kepada rakyat, kepada bangsa dan kepada negara. Saya ucapkan selamat kepada Bapak Jenderal Prabowo Subianto,” kata Jokowi.

Sebelumnya, pada 2022 Prabowo telah menerima empat tanda kehormatan bintang militer utama, yaitu Bintang Yudha Dharma Utama; Bintang Kartika Eka Paksi Utama; Bintang Jalasena Utama; dan Bintang Swa Bhuwana Paksa Utama.https://frutangjeruk.com/

Perluas Jaringan Di Kalteng, Fuso Buka Dealer 3S Di Pangkalan Bun

Peresmian dealer 3S Mitsubishi Fuso, PT. Murni Berlian Motors, Pangkalan Bun. (Foto: Ist)

CERAHKANLA.com  Rakyat Merdeka – PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors (KTB), distributor resmi kendaraan Mitsubishi Fuso di Indonesia membuka dealer 3S (Sales, Service, Spare Part) PT. Murni Berlian Motors, Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan Tengah, Selasa (27/2/2024). Kehadiran dealer ini untuk memperluas jaringan dealer dan meningkatkan layanan servis bagi konsumen di wilayah Indonesia Tengah.

Dealer ini merupakan dealer 3S baru yang didirikan oleh PT. Murni Berlian Motors dengan tujuan memberikan pelayanan terbaik dan cepat, khususnya kepada konsumen Mitsubishi Fuso di sekitar Pangkalan Bun dan Kotawaringin Barat karena banyaknya konsumen Fuso di kedua area tersebut. 

Beberapa sektor industri seperti kelapa sawit, kontruksi, logistik dan pemerintahan yang semakin bertumbuh di area Pangkalan Bun membuat potensi pasar di area ini semakin menjanjikan untuk semakin berkembang. Kehadiran dealer ini memudahkan konsumen untuk mendapatkan unit dan layanan purna jual dari Mitsubishi Fuso untuk mendukung operasioanl bisnis konsumen di wilayah Pangkalan Bun.

Dealer 3S baru PT. Murni Berlian Motors merupakan dealer ke 222 bagi Mitsubishi Fuso dan dealer ke 5 bagi PT. Murni Berlian Motors. Dealer baru ini terletak di Jl. Diponegoro, Kec. Arut Selatan, Kel. Sidorejo, Kab. Kotawaringin Barat, Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan Tengah. 

Lokasi dealer ini mudah dijangkau oleh konsumen karena berada di dalam kota, dekat dengan akses ke Pelabuhan Kumai, dan merupakan jalur yang dilintasi oleh truk yang masuk dan keluar kota Pangkalan Bun. Dealer ini dibangun di atas lahan seluas 3.901 m2 dengan luas bangunan 1.375 m2 dengan luas showroom area penjulan sebesar 228,67 m2.

Di dalamnya terdapat fasilitas counter pelayanan penjualan unit, ruang tunggu konsumen, counter pelayanan service, counter pelayanan pembelian spare part , kidszone, display kendaraan, ruang tunggu service, snack coner, toilet. Dengan luas area workshop 1.012,6 m2, terdapat bengkel yang siap melayani perawatan dan perbaikan unit bagi konsumen. 

Area bengkel ini telah dilengkapi dengan 1 truck pit, 4 stall besar, dan 2 stall kecil, yang mampu menampung 12 unit per hari untuk perbaikan unit, sehingga kendaraan konsumen dapat terlayani dengan baik dan kegiatan perbaikan kendaraan dapat dilakukan dengan cepat.

Aji Jaya, Sales and Marketing Director PT.KTB mengatakan, Mitsubishi Fuso terus memperkuat jaringan di seluruh Indonesia. Salah satunya peresmian dealer baru 3S di area Pangkalan Bun.

“Hal ini merupakan komitmen Mitsubishi Fuso untuk memudahkan konsumen mendapatkan unit dan melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan kendaraan untuk mendukung operasional bisnis konsumen terutama di wilayah Indonesia Tengah,” katanya.

PT. Murni Berlian Motors, Pangkalan Bun siap melayani konsumen dari Senin hingga Jumat mulai dari jam 08:00 – 16:00 WIB dan Sabtu 08:00 -13:00 WIB bahkan di hari Minggu konsumen dapat melakukan perawatan kendaraan dengan melakukan booking service terlebih dahulu.https://frutangjeruk.com/

Hungary’s parliament clears path for Sweden’s Nato membership

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban shake hands at a joint press conference in Budapest, Hungary, February 23, 2024
Image caption,Swedish PM Ulf Kristersson and Hungarian PM Viktor Orban met in Budapest on Friday

By Paulin Kola

BBC News

Sweden has cleared its final obstacle to joining Nato after Hungary’s parliament voted to ratify the bid.

The Nordic nation applied to join the defence alliance after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Every member must approve a new joiner, and Hungary had delayed, accusing Sweden of being hostile to it.

But last week Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban said the two countries were now “prepared to die for each other”.

All Nato members are expected to help an ally which comes under attack.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said it was a “historic day” and a “big step” for Sweden to abandon 200 years of neutrality.

“Sweden is an outstanding country, but we are joining Nato to even better defend everything we are and everything we believe in,” he said.

Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the Hungarian decision made the alliance “stronger and safer”.

The parliament’s approval must now be signed by the president – after which a formal invitation is sent to Sweden to join the 31-member group.

The process usually lasts a few days.

Mr Orban is a nationalist politician with close ties to Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. He has often blocked EU efforts to send military aid to Ukraine.

Sweden is one of the EU countries which have accused Hungary of backsliding on the EU’s democratic principles.

In turn, Mr Orban’s spokesman Zoltan Kovacs accused officials in Sweden of sitting on a “crumbling throne of moral superiority”.

Last week, however, Mr Orban hosted his Swedish counterpart Ulf Kristersson and announced his support for Sweden’s membership.

Monday’s vote of Hungarian MPs was almost unanimous – 188 to 6.

In his speech, Mr Orban sharply criticised unnamed Nato allies for exerting pressure on his government to end the 21-month delay.

“Hungary is a sovereign country and does not tolerate being dictated to by others, on the content or timing of decisions,” he said.

Turkey had been the other Nato country to withhold approval of Sweden’s application in a row over what it called Sweden’s support to Kurdish separatists. It eventually lifted its veto in January.

Sweden and its eastern neighbour Finland, both long considered militarily neutral, announced their intention to join Nato in May 2022.

Finland formally joined in April last year, doubling the length of the alliance’s border with Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent his army into Ukraine in 2022 in the expectation it would check Nato’s expansion and weaken Western collectivism.https://frutangjeruk.com/

In fact, with the addition of Sweden and Finland, the opposite has happened.

Tok! MIND ID Beli 14 Persen Saham Vale Indonesia

Menko Kemaritiman dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan (kedua kanan), Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir (kiri), Menteri BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia (kanan) dan Wakil Menteri BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo (kedua kiri). (Foto: Ist)

CERAHKANLA.com  Rakyat Merdeka – PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (MIND ID) membeli 14 persen saham PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO). Akusisi ini jadi bukti keseriusan pemerintah lakukan hilirisasi.

MIND ID bersama Vale Canada Limited (VCL) dan Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd (SMM) telah menyepakati syarat dan ketentuan untuk pelaksanaan akuisisi 14 persen saham PT Vale oleh MIND ID.

Penandatanganan perjanjian ini dilakukan oleh Direktur Utama MIND ID Hendi Prio Santoso, Chief Executive Officer Vale Base Metals Deshnee Naidoo dan Executive Officer SMM Yusuke Niwa di Jakarta, Senin (26/2/2024).

Penandatanganan ini disaksikan langsung oleh Menko Kemaritiman dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir, Menteri BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia, dan Wakil Menteri BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo.

Penandatanganan ini juga merupakan bagian dari upaya PT Vale memenuhi kewajiban divestasi saham kepemilikan asing berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang pertambangan mineral dan batubara di Indonesia (Minerba). Dengan kesepakatan ini MIND ID dan VCL akan bersama-sama mengendalikan pelaksanaan kegiatan usaha PT Vale (joint control). 

Menko Kemaritiman dan Investasi, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengatakan, momentum penandatanganan kesepakatan pelaksanaan akuisisi saham PT Vale oleh MIND ID merupakan bentuk keseriusan pemerintah dalam menjalankan program hilirisasi. Pemerintah memastikan program hilirisasi dapat menjadi motor penciptaan lapangan kerja bagi perekonomian Indonesia dalam menghadapi tantangan ekonomi global.

Di samping itu, proses akuisisi saham PT Vale oleh MIND ID akan berjalan secara transparan, dan tidak akan menimbulkan biaya tambahan bagi pihak investor. “Program hari ini merupakan bentuk keseriusan pemerintah. Kami akan mendorong semua bentuk agar segera diselesaikan terutama IUPK, sehingga proses akuisisi ini bisa selesai,” ujarnya.

Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir mengatakan, penandatangan ini merupakan momentum bersejarah, karena MIND ID akan menjadi pemegang saham terbesar di PT Vale dan bersama-sama dengan VCL akan melaksanakan joint control terhadap PT Vale. “Saya mengucapkan apresiasi yang sebesar-besarnya kepada para pihak yang terlibat dan membantu proses divestasi yang tinggal selangkah lagi bisa terwujud,” ujar Erick.

Erick menambahkan, bentuk joint corporation dalam pengelolaan PTVI ke depan akan dapat menjamin pembangunan ekosistem pertambangan hulu hingga hilir yang lebih baik bagi Indonesia. Melalui momentum ini, Pemerintah berkomitmen untuk terus mengawal investasi keberlanjutan untuk down streaming dengan luasan lahan dan total investasi terbaik bagi Indonesia. 

Direktur Utama MIND ID, Hendi Prio Santoso mengapresiasi, dukungan dari Kementerian BUMN, Kementerian ESDM serta kementerian dan lembaga lain dalam proses divestasi. Hendi mengatakan, MIND ID akan terus berkolaborasi dengan VCL dan para pemangku kepentingan PT Vale lainnya dalam mengembangkan PT Vale.

“Kami akan mengoptimalkan proses hilirisasi terhadap hasil tambang PT Vale agar dapat mendukung industri dalam negeri serta kebutuhan ekspor dalam mendukung program Hilirisasi,” ujar Hendi. 

Akuisisi saham PT Vale menjadi langkah strategis MIND ID agar Indonesia dapat mengambil posisi yang kuat untuk mengamankan pasokan bahan baku industri hilir berbasis nikel. Komoditas ini adalah salah satu sumber daya strategis dan penting bagi dunia dimana nikel telah menjadi bahan baku utama baterai untuk kendaraan listrik dan juga untuk infrastruktur penyimpan listrik.

“Aksi korporasi ini menjadi momentum dalam memperkuat posisi Indonesia dalam industri baterai dan kendaraan listrik ke depan,” ujar Hendi.https://frutangjeruk.com/

India ICICI bank: ‘My bank manager stole $1.9m from my account’

Shveta Sharma
Image caption,Shveta Sharma accuses her bank manager of pulling an elaborate con on her

By Geeta Pandey

BBC News, Delhi

An Indian woman has accused a manager at one of the country’s largest banks of defrauding her by siphoning off 160m rupees ($1.9m; £1.5m) from her account.

Shveta Sharma says she had transferred money to the ICICI bank from her US account, expecting it to be invested in fixed deposits.

But she alleges that a bank official created “fake accounts, forged her signature, took out debit cards and cheque books in her name” to withdraw money from her accounts.

“He gave me fake statements, created a fake email ID in my name and manipulated my mobile number in the bank records so I won’t get any withdrawal notifications,” she told the BBC.

A spokesman for the bank admitted to the BBC that “indeed the fraud had happened” but said that the ICICI “is a bank of repute which holds trillions of rupees in deposits from millions of customers”.


“Whoever is involved will be punished,” he added.

Ms Sharma and her husband, who returned to India in 2016 after living for decades in the US and Hong Kong, met a banker through a friend.

As the interest rate on bank deposits in the US was negligible, he advised Ms Sharma to move her money to India where fixed deposits were offering an interest of 5.5% to 6%.

She opened an NRE account meant for non-resident Indians on his advice after visiting the ICICI’s branch in old Gurugram near the capital, Delhi, and in 2019, began transferring money into it from her US account.

“Over a period of four years from September 2019 to December 2023, we deposited our entire life savings of around 135m rupees in the bank,” she said, adding that “with interest, the sum would have grown to more than 160m rupees”.

She said she never suspected anything was amiss because the branch manager “would give me proper receipts for all the deposits on bank’s stationary, regularly send me email statements from his ICICI account and sometimes even come over with folders of documents”.

The fraud came to light in early January when a new employee at the bank offered to get Ms Sharma better returns on her money.

It was then that she discovered that all her fixed deposits had vanished. There was also an overdraft of 25m rupees taken on one of the deposits.

ICICI bank
Image caption,ICICI is India’s second largest bank

“My husband and I were shocked. I suffer from an autoimmune disorder and I was so traumatised that I couldn’t get up from bed for an entire week,” she told me. “Your life is being ruined right in front of your eyes and you can’t do anything about it.”

Ms Sharma says she has shared all the information with the bank and held several meetings with top officials.

“At our first meeting on 16 January, we met the bank’s regional and zonal heads and the head of the bank’s internal vigilance who had flown in from Mumbai. They told us they accepted that it had been their fault, that this branch manager had cheated us.

“They assured us that we will get all our money back. But first, they said, they needed my help in identifying fraudulent transactions.”

Ms Sharma and her team of accountants spent days going through the statements for the past four years. Her accountants then sat with the vigilance team to mark the transactions which they were “100% sure” were fraudulent.

“It was shocking to actually discover how the money had been siphoned from my account and where it had been spent.”

Ms Sharma says despite the bank’s assurances that the issue would be resolved within two weeks, more than six weeks later, she’s still waiting to see any of her money back.

In the meantime, she has sent letters to the CEO and deputy CEO of ICICI and lodged complaints with the Reserve Bank of India – the country’s central bank – and the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Delhi police, which deals with financial crimes.

In a statement sent to the BBC, the bank said they have offered to deposit 92.7m rupees into her account with a lien, pending the outcome of the investigation.

But Ms Sharma has rejected the offer: “It’s a lot less than the 160m rupees they owe me and the lien would effectively mean the account would be frozen until the case is closed by the police, which could take years.”

“Why am I being punished for no fault of mine? My life has turned upside-down. I can’t sleep. I have daily nightmares,” she added.

Indian rupees
Image caption,Shveta Sharma says she has lost 160 million rupees

Srikanth L, who runs a fintech watchdog called Cashless Consumer, says such cases are not very common and banks use audits and checks to ensure such things don’t happen.

But if your bank manager decides to defraud you, he says, there’s little you can do.

“Since he was the bank manager, she had some implicit trust in him. But customers must be more vigilant. They must monitor the outflow of money from their account at all times.

“The lack of double checks on a customer’s part can lead to this kind of fraud,” he adds.

This is the second time just this month that ICICI bank has been in the news for the wrong reason.

Earlier this month, police in Rajasthan state said a branch manager and his aides had duped depositors of billions of rupees for years to meet targets set up by the bank.

Police said they withdrew money from customer accounts and used it to open new current and savings accounts and set up fixed deposits.

The ICICI spokesperson said in that case, the bank acted swiftly and took action against the manager involved. He added that none of the customers had lost any money.

In Ms Sharma’s case, he said it was “bewildering” that she remained “unaware of these transactions and balances in her account over the past three years, and only recently noticed a discrepancy in her account balance”.

The accused branch manager “has been suspended, pending investigation”, he said, adding “we have also been defrauded”.

“We have also lodged a complaint with the EOW and we have to wait until the police investigation is complete. She will get all her money back, along with the interest, once her allegation is proven to be true. But unfortunately, she has to wait.”https://frutangjeruk.com/

The BBC was unable to contact the manager for comment.

Update Terbaru Real Count Sementara KPU, Ini Lho 9 Partai Yang Lolos Ke Senayan

Anggota Panitia Pemilihan Kecamatan PPK dan puluhan saksi mencatat penghitungan suara tps untuk dicatat dalam rekapitulasi hasil penghitungan suara tingkat kecamatan di GOR Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur, Minggu (18/2/24). (Foto: Khairizal Anwar/RM)

CERAHKANLA.com  Rakyat Merdeka – Berdasarkan update terakhir real count sementara KPU, per pukul 16.00 WIB, Minggu (25/2), ada sembilan partai politik yang lolos parliamentary treshold (PT) atau ambang batas parlemen dari pemilu 2024.

Kesembilan partai itu adalah PDI Perjuangan, GolkarGerindraPKB, NasDem, PKS, Demokrat, PAN dan PPP.

Komposisi partai yang lolos ke Senayan itu merujuk pada update suara yang masuk hingga pukul 16.00 WIB hari ini. Tercatat sudah 64,19 persen tempat pemungutan suara (TPS) masuk dari total 823.236 TPS di seluruh Indonesia.

Hasilnya, di peringkat pertama, masih dikuasai oleh PDIP dengan raihan 16,53 persen atau 12.269.950 suara.

Golkar berada di posisi kedua suara terbanyak dengan perolehan 15,1 persen atau 11.208.373 suara.

Di posisi ketiga adalah Partai Gerindra. Partai yang dipimpin oleh Capres nomor urut 2 Prabowo Subianto ini membukukan 13,37 persen atau 9.919.207 suara.

Disusul PKB di urutan keempat dengan torehan 11,66 persen atau 8.649.630 suara. Lalu posisi kelima NasDem 9,45 persen atau 7.011.490 suara. Keenam PKS 7,51 persen atau 5.573.279 suara dan ketujuh Demokrat dengan 7,43 persen 5.513.996 suara.

Sementara di posisi ke delapan adalah PAN 6,97 persen atau 5.172.638 suara dan urutan kesembilan PPP 4,05 persen atau 3.002.119 suara.

Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan sementara KPU itu, kesembilan partai tersebut berpeluang lolos ke parlemen karena memenuhi ambang batas parlemen atau parliamentary treshold yakni 4 persen.https://frutangjeruk.com/

Japan naked festival: Women join Hadaka Matsuri for first time

Women take part in a ritual event of naked festival, for the first time in its 1250 years
Image caption,Women joined the festival for the first time in its 1,250 year history

By Shaimaa Khalil

Tokyo correspondent

The sea of chanting, nearly-naked men tussle, push and shove towards the shrine. “Washoi! Washoi!” they yell – let’s go, let’s go.

It is scene that has barely changed in the 1,250 years the Hadaka Matsuri, or the Naked Festival, has been taking place at the Konomiya Shrine, in central Japan.

But this year there is a change – a big one.

Away from the men’s huddle, a group are about to become the first women to ever take part.

The women gathered here know they are making history. Finding room in traditionally male-dominated spaces is difficult anywhere, but in Japan – which last year ranked 125 out of 146 on the World Economic Forum’s gender gap index – it is particularly hard.


Not that they weren’t always there.

“In the background, women have always worked very hard to support the men in the festival,” explains Atsuko Tamakoshi, whose family has been working at the Konomiya festival for generations.

Participants take part in a ritual event of naked festival at Owari Okunitama Shrine
Image caption,Some in the community have suggested that it remain a men-only event

But the idea of actually taking part in the festival – which sees the men attempt to drive away evil spirits, before praying for happiness at the shrine – seems to have never come up before.

According to Naruhito Tsunoda, there has never been an actual ban. It’s just that no one had ever asked.

And when they did, the answer was easy.

“I believe the most important thing is for there to be a fun festival for everyone. I think God would be happiest about that too,” he told news agency Reuters.

Not everyone in the community was as accommodating though.

“There were many voices that were concerned (about us taking part) – saying, ‘What are women doing in a men’s festival?’, ‘This is a men’s festival, it’s serious’,” Tamakoshi, a 56-year-old grandmother, explains.

“But we were all united in what we wanted to do. We believed that God would watch over us if we were sincere.”

The women waiting for their turn are indeed sincere. What they are not is naked.

Instead many are wearing “happi coats” – long, purple robes – and white shorts, as opposed to the men’s loincloths, while carrying their own bamboo offerings.

They won’t be part of the big scramble which accompanied the men’s rush to the shrine, or the clambering over one another to touch the Shin Otoko, or the ‘male deity’ – a man chosen by the shrine. Touching him, as the tradition goes, is meant to drive evil spirits away.

It doesn’t take away the significance of this moment.

“I feel that times have finally changed,” Yumiko Fujie tells the BBC. “But I also feel a sense of responsibility.”

Women take part in a ritual event of naked festival
Image caption,A lot of the women at the festival saw the change in policy as a significant moment

These women, however, are not just breaking gender barriers with their participation. They are also keeping the tradition alive.

This week, another naked festival – held at Kokuseki Temple in Japan’s north – said this would be the last one they would hold. There simply were not enough young people to keep the festival going.

Japan has one of the fastest ageing populations on earth. Last year, for the first time, more than one in 10 people were aged 80 or older. Meanwhile, its birth rate stands at just 1.3 per woman, with only 800,000 babies born last year.

The moment has come for the women to make their way to the shrine.

They stand in two parallel lines and carry the long bamboo sticks wrapped in intertwined red and white ribbons.

Atsuko Tamakoshi is leading the way – blowing her whistle to prompt the rhythmic chant they’ve heard the men say for decades.

‘Washoi Washoi,” the women shout.

Atsuko Tamakoshi
Image caption,Atsuko Tamakoshi is one of the women who joined the naked festival for the first time

The women focus on the movements and speed which they’ve practiced for weeks. They know they have to get this right.

Aware that the eyes of the media and the spectators are on them they’re also smiling a mix of nerves and excitement.

There are supportive cries from the watching crowd, some shouting “Gambatte” or ‘keep going!’, as they push through the freezing temperatures.

They enter the Konomiya Shinto shrine’s courtyard and, like the men, they’re sprayed with cold water. It seems to energise them even more.

After their offering is accepted, the women end the ceremony with the traditional salutation of two bows, two claps and one final bow.

And then, the enormity of the moment sets in. The women erupt into cheers, they jump around and hug each other crying. “Arigatogozaimasu! Arigato!” Thank you! Thank you! They say to each other and the crowd now applauding them.

“I got so teary,” Michiko Ikai says. “I wasn’t sure I could join, but now I feel a sense of achievement.”

As they make their way out of the shrine, the women are stopped by members of the public who want to take pictures with them and media outlets who want to interview them. They happily oblige.

Two women who took part in the event
Image caption,Those who took part say they felt an immense sense of pride in doing so

“I’ve done it. I’m so happy,” Mineko Akahori tells the BBC. “I’m really grateful that as a woman, I could participate for the first time.”

Her friend and teammate Minako Ando adds that simply “becoming the first to do something like this is just great”.

“Times are changing,” says Hiromo Maeda. Her family has been running a local inn which has hosted some of the male festival-goers for the last 30 years.

“I think our prayers and wishes are the same. It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman. Our passion is the same.”

For Atsuko Tamakoshi, who has played such a key role in the day, there is a moment to reflect on what they have all achieved together. She’s both emotional and relieved.

“My husband has always taken part in this festival,” she tells the BBC. “And I was always the spectator. I’m now filled with gratitude and happiness.”https://lepassaja.com/

7 Tanda Bakal Terjadi Puting Beliung, Salah Satunya Udara Malam Terasa Gerah

Bencana angin puting beliung merusak rumah warga di Rancaekek, Kabupaten Bandung. (Foto: Antara)

CERAHKANLA.com  Rakyat Merdeka – Angin puting beliung yang menerjang wilayah Kabupaten Sumedang dan Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat pada Rabu (21/2/2024), telah menyebabkan  puluhan orang luka dan ratusan rumah rusak.

Secara visual, puting beliung merupakan fenomena angin kencang yang berputar kencang menyerupai belalai, serta dapat menimbulkan kerusakan di sekitar lokasi kejadian.

Berdasarkan catatan Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG), fenomena puting beliung telah terjadi beberapa kali di wilayah Bandung. Tanggal 5 Juni 2023 terjadi di Desa Bojongmalaka, Desa Rancamanyar dan Kelurahan Andir Kecamatan Baleendah-Bandung. Oktober 2023 di Banjaran dan Desember 2023 di Ciparay.

BMKG meminta masyarakat mewaspadai angin puting beliung. Karena beberapa wilayah Indonesia, termasuk Jawa Barat, masih berpotensi terjadi hujan sedang lebat yang bisa memunculkan awan cumulunimbus, hingga 25 Februari 2024.

Berikut 7 tanda bakal terjadi puting beliung, seperti dikutip akun Instagram resmi Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG), Sabtu (24/2/2024):

  1. Udara pada malam hingga pagi hari sebelumnya terasa panas dan gerah.
  2. Perbedaan suhu yang signifikan (> 4,5°C) antara pagi sekitar pukul 07.00 hingga menjelang siang sekitar pukul 10.00, bersamaan dengan penyinaran matahari yang terik dan kondisi udara yang lembab.
  3. Menjelang siang atau setelah pukul 10.00, terbentuk jenis awan cumulus (Cu) dengan ciri berupa awan putih berlapis-lapis, yang umumnya disertai dengan awan putih yang memiliki batas tepi sangat jelas berwarna abu-abu dan menjulang tinggi seperti kembang kol. 
  4. Awan cumulus berubah warna menjadi abu-abu pekat dan sangat gelap, yang dikenal dengan nama awan cumulunimbus (Cb).
  5. Terasa hembusan angin yang kencang dan dingin.
  6. Terlihat adanya kolom udara yang berputar dari dasar awan Cb, hingga menyentuh permukaan bumi yang disebut angin puting beliung.
  7. Durasi kejadian angin puting beliung umumnya 3-5 menit (maksimal 10 menit), dengan cakupan jarak hingga 5 km.https://frutangjeruk.com/

Shreya Ghoshal: We need to celebrate Lata Mangeshkar’s legacy

Shreya Ghoshal performs on stage. An Indian woman wearing a light blue outfit with golden patterns. She is holding a black microphone in her right hand and her left hand is pointing above. The background is dark blue.
Image caption,Shreya Ghoshal’s recent UK tour performances in the UK have had millions of views on TikTok

By Haroon Rashid & Sarika Unadkat

BBC Asian Network

Shreya Ghoshal is regarded by some as India’s greatest living female singer.

But it might surprise you to hear her say she “needs to do more”, despite having millions of fans around the world, multiple hit songs and acclaim within Bollywood and beyond.

In an exclusive interview with BBC Asian Network, she says she feels a sense of responsibility to the next generation of singers.

Shreya’s also followed in the path of another – Lata Mangeshkar, one of India’s most beloved singers, who died in 2022.

Since then, Shreya’s been touted as the one to take on the mantle of the legendary performer, whose extraordinary career spanned more than half a century.


Lata’s voice soundtracked hundreds of Bollywood films and she recorded thousands of songs in 36 languages.

Shreya says she “refuses to process” the comparisons, saying they go “in one ear and out the other”.

But she does insist it’s important to recognise those that came before her, continuing their legacies while forging her own.

“I’m sure there’s a generation that’s not heard Lata Ji and I am probably trying to bridge that gap for them to access her,” she tells the Beyond Bollywood show.

“That’s why I keep singing her songs and talking about her, because we need to celebrate greats.”

‘Finding my place around the world’

The 39-year-old recently performed packed out shows in London and Manchester on the UK leg of her global All Hearts Tour, with concert videos getting millions of views on TikTok.

It was a setlist which included a medley of classic songs by legendary artists like Mohammad Rafi, Lata Mangeshkar and Asha Bhosle.

Shreya says she looks up to Lata and Asha Bhosle in particular as her “gurus”.

“I think I’m taking a little bit of that in my singing and giving it to the next generation, so they feel the magic that they have given us,” she says.

“I have heard so many artists in the world and I know there is too much perfection and beauty in the work that these legends have done.

“I get inspired by them in every step of my life, but I know there is a lot more to do – and I’m not being humble. That’s the truth.”

Asha Bhosle and Lata Mangeshkar holding flowers, two Indian women smiling, wearing white with red flowers in their hands. The background is pink writing in Hindi on a blue backdrop.
Image caption,Indian singers Asha Bhosle and her late sister Lata Mangeshkar have collectively sung thousands of songs

Bollywood in recent years has become dominated by electronic music, with melodies similar to pop and mainstream dance.

Shreya was raised on classics recorded from the 1960s through to the 90s, when songs were recorded with full orchestras and incorporated a blend of Western classical and traditional Indian styles.

She says it’s important to her to incorporate these influences to ensure young music lovers and aspiring singers do not forget the roots of Asian music.

“It is different,” she says.

“Our subcontinent has a very old history of music, from classical, to folk, to our film music and it’s distinctly different with its nuances.

“This is the legacy which makes this subcontinent feel so proud of their heritage.”

A zoomed in shot of Shreya Ghoshal singing on stage. An Indian woman wearing a light blue outfit with golden patterns. She is holding a black microphone in her right hand . The background is black.
Image caption,Shreya says she wants to help the next generation of singers thrive

Shreya reflects on her rise in music, which can be charted back to the age of four – when she began learning music and classical singing with her parents.

By the age of 12 she won the children’s version of reality TV singing competition Sa Re Ga Ma.

Through the show she was noticed by renowned film director and music composer Sanjay Leela Bhansali, who asked her to sing on the soundtrack of his 2002 blockbuster hit film Devdas.

“Those days I was so nervous, I came from a small town, all I knew was to keep my eyes down and just sing,” she says.

“I never thought it would catapult me to the mainstream where I am today.”

In recent years, things have come full-circle, with Shreya herself now appearing as a talent show judge on Indian Idol.

Thinking about her 22 years in the industry, she says only now is she “finally living in the moment”.

“Up until a couple years ago, I was still trying to find my foothold in the industry and the kind of music I want to do,” she says.

“Now I’m just trying to find my place in the industry, not just the Indian industry, but around the world.”https://cerahkanla.com/